Welcome to Talking Heads, my once weekly show about everything happening in the world of tech, computers, gaming, craft beer and cocktails. Today's episode is sponsored by Linode! Visit https://linode.com/CraftComputing and get a $100 60-Day credit just for signing up. Check out this episode in Podcast form over at https://anchor.fm/craftcomputing. Support me on Patreon or Floatplane and get access to my exclusive Discord server. Chat with myself and the other hosts on Talking Heads all week long, and join us for the Talking Heads Afterparty every Wednesday after the show. https://www.patreon.com/CraftComputing https://www.floatplane.com/channel/CraftComputing Want to fuel Craft Computing? Parts, beer, gifts? I've got a mailbox! Craft Computing 1567 Edgewater St NW, #51 Salem, OR 97304 Follow Jeff on Twitter @CraftComputing Follow Jon on Anything @HopsAndBrews And Subscribe to HopsAndBrews on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCldr0kS8ON5XN0k5foYTghg On Tonight's Show... -Tech News- Google must face lawsuit in Voice Assistant Privacy case https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/google-must-face-voice-assistant-privacy-lawsuit-us-judge-says-rcna1330 Begun, the Crypto Card Dump, has? https://www.theblockcrypto.com/post/110638/chinese-crypto-miners-dump-gpu Audacity’s latest Terms of Service let it spy on you??? https://fosspost.org/audacity-is-now-a-spyware/ https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/07/no-open-source-audacity-audio-editor-is-not-spyware/ -Beer News- Love ipas and coffee, you might be a psychopath? https://www.popsci.com/psychopaths-may-prefer-bitter-foods/ - Games/Entertainment - New OLED Nintendo Switch https://www.cnet.com/news/the-new-oled-nintendo-switch-everything-it-can-and-cant-do/ Marina Sirtis endorses ‘Captain Worf’ https://trekmovie.com/2021/07/06/marina-sirtis-endorses-michael-dorns-captain-worf-pitch-as-next-star-trek-series/